Case Study

How Trovata Helped Emerald Expositions with Cash Management

Emerald Expositions, a leading B2B trade show operator in the United States, producing more than 80 trade shows and conference events per year, has used Trovata to automate key aspects of the cash reporting and reconciliation process, saving valuable time and providing real-time insights for the C-Suite.


San Juan Capistrano, CA


Company Size

Event Management

hours per week saved on manual reporting
of routine cash reporting automated
internal IT resources required


Previously, Emerald Expositions was building all cash reporting in Excel: manually pulling daily Bank of America data, categorizing transactions by functional cash flow types (receipts, disbursements, payroll, financing payments, etc.). Spreadsheets with summarized cash flows were then sent to the CFO.

mask group
It would typically take me an hour every day just to put together our standard daily cash report for our CFO. Drilldowns for detail were impossible, so any follow up questions he might have would mean another round of manual analysis. Any off-cycle reporting would then be additional hours of pouring over Excel workbooks.”
Faheem Sorathia Senior Accountant at Emerald


Using Trovata, Sorathia’s team is able to create Tags™ for all cash flow types, fully automating their manual cash reporting process. The CFO now receives automatically generated reports in his inbox every morning, and can log into Trovata to see any additional details.

Connect quickly to get multi-bank visibility in real time

Automated cash flow insights and treasury reconciliations

Easily build and update cash forecasting
Before Trovata, we were manually doing all reporting in Excel and sending that to the CFO for review. We were able to automate this process and our CEO is able to log into the portal and view real-time reporting.”
Seamless Onboarding
Trovata has APIs connected to the world’s largest banks. What does that mean? If you bank with JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, or Bank of America, you can set up quickly, get real-time data in minutes, with zero time spent from your IT team. It’s a true, no hassle onboarding experience.
  1. Connect banks and accounts
  2. Configure to company requirements
  3. Automate reporting and forecasting workflows
Getting started with Trovata was pretty seamless. We were up and running within a few weeks. The software itself is intuitive and runs smoothly.”


  1. 10 hours per week saved on manual reporting
  2. 100% of routine cash reporting
  3. 0 internal IT resources required

The time saved also frees up other staff to focus on more strategic analysis. Aside from the automated reporting, Emerald Expositions now has a powerful solution for instantly analyzing previously unusable bank information.

A key benefit that we get from Trovata is completely off the cuff analysis. Our bank data used to be unreadable and unusable, but with Trovata as a data analysis layer in between, we can instantly analyze vendor or customer relationships, see the last time we made specific payments, and more. Trovata turns our bank data into a rich source of insights.”
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