
Achieving Real-Time Treasury Management in Multinational Corporations

Written by Sergio Garcia
February 29, 2024

In today’s fast-paced financial world, businesses grapple with the challenge of managing their treasury operations efficiently. Real-Time Treasury emerges as a game-changer, offering instant visibility into cash flow, liquidity, and transactions across global operations.

The mandate from business leaders to finance functions to improve efficiency and accuracy stems from a desire enhance liquidity risk management by improving visibility.

Organizations seek to fortify business resilience and enhance financial agility to be able to quickly respond to market forces. At the heart of this goal is optimizing liquidity. In fact, according to a recent Deloitte survey, 54% of businesses are prioritizing liquidity risk management.

However, 64% of finance leaders listed gaining visibility into global operations, cash, and financial risk exposures as their most difficult challenge.

The question then arises: How can businesses consolidate data aggregation and bank reconciliation onto one platform for immediate data access?

The answer lies in leveraging cutting-edge technology like APIs, which enable seamless integration of banking data in real time.

This shift not only simplifies treasury operations but also empowers decision-makers with the timely information needed to navigate the complexities of the global financial landscape.

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What is Real-Time Treasury?

Real-Time Treasury is a modern approach to treasury management that harnesses technology to provide instant access to financial data, enabling immediate decision-making and transactions.

At its core, it includes several critical components:

  • Real-Time Payments: The ability to execute and receive payments instantly, bypassing traditional delays in processing. This feature is crucial for managing cash flow efficiently and meeting financial obligations promptly.
  • Liquidity Management: Real-time treasury management offers a live view of a company’s liquidity position, allowing treasurers to optimize cash reserves and make informed investment decisions. This real-time visibility ensures that businesses can respond swiftly to opportunities or challenges.
  • Automated Workflows: Automation streamlines treasury operations, from reconciliations to reporting, reducing manual effort and minimizing the risk of errors. Automated systems can trigger actions based on pre-set criteria, enhancing operational efficiency.

The significance of real-time treasury management extends beyond mere transaction speed. It transforms treasury functions into strategic units capable of influencing the broader business direction.

Real-time data enhances decision-making, enabling treasurers to act on accurate, up-to-the-minute information. This immediacy improves liquidity positions, as businesses can quickly adjust to market changes, optimize working capital, and reduce the reliance on external financing.

Furthermore, the facilitation of instant payments strengthens relationships with suppliers and creditors by ensuring timely settlements, thereby improving the supply chain’s efficiency and reliability.

The Role of Technology in Real-Time Treasury

The shift towards Real-Time Treasury is underpinned by significant technological advancements. Key among these are Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, and various connectivity solutions.

These technologies are the building blocks of an efficient, responsive, and agile treasury function.


Instant Access to Bank Data: APIs have transformed the way businesses interact with their banks. By facilitating direct, real-time connections between corporate systems and financial institutions, APIs allow for instant retrieval of bank data across multiple accounts and institutions. This capability is crucial for maintaining a comprehensive, up-to-the-minute view of cash positions and liquidity.

Seamless Financial Operations: Beyond data access, APIs enable real-time execution of payments and collections, directly integrating these transactions into the company’s workflow. This integration significantly reduces transaction times and enhances the efficiency of financial operations.

Next-Gen Cash Management

Unified Financial Management: Integrating real-time capabilities with an ERP system centralizes financial data and processes, creating a single source of truth for the organization’s financial status. This consolidation is vital for effective cash management, as it provides a holistic view of the company’s finances, facilitating better strategic planning and decision-making.

Automated and Optimized Operations: Modern cash management systems offer advanced tools for automating treasury tasks, from cash flow analysis to cash forecasting. By automating routine processes, companies can reduce manual labor and minimize errors, allowing treasury staff to focus on strategic activities.

Connectivity Solutions

Broadening Financial Ecosystem Access: Connectivity solutions extend beyond traditional banking networks, embracing new financial technologies and platforms. These solutions ensure treasurers have access to a wide range of financial services and instruments, enabling more sophisticated management of payments, collections, and financial risks.

Facilitating Global Operations: For multinational corporations, connectivity solutions support the management of diverse currencies and regulations across jurisdictions. This global reach is essential for executing cross-border transactions efficiently and managing international cash pools.

The integration of APIs, ERP systems, and connectivity solutions into treasury operations marks a pivotal step in the evolution of real-time treasury management. Together, these technologies enable businesses to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency, agility, and strategic insight, positioning them to thrive in the dynamic and interconnected world of global finance.

Benefits of Implementing Real-Time Treasury

Implementing Real-Time Treasury transforms the treasury function into a strategic cornerstone of the organization, offering substantial benefits across financial operations.

Enhanced Liquidity Management

Real-time data equips treasurers with instant access to cash positions and liquidity, essential for accurate cash flow forecasting and effective liquidity management.

This immediate visibility allows for a more strategic allocation of resources, identifying surplus cash for investment or funding shortages.

Consequently, it enables working capital optimization, improving the organization’s financial health and reducing the reliance on external financing.

Streamlined Operations and Reduced Costs

Automation is at the heart of real-time data, significantly streamlining treasury operations from reconciliations to transaction processing. This reduction in manual tasks speeds up operations, minimizes potential errors, and enhances the accuracy of financial reporting.

The facilitation of real-time payments eliminates the need for batch processing, leading to lower transaction costs and reducing fees associated with late payments or expedited transfers. The cumulative effect is a considerable increase in operational efficiency, allowing treasury functions to respond more agilely to changing market conditions and business needs.

Improved Risk Management

Access to real-time financial data enables treasurers to implement more effective hedging strategies against currency and interest rate fluctuations, allowing for adjustments in real-time to protect against adverse market movements.

Moreover, the continuous visibility into transactions and positions facilitates dynamic compliance management and risk assessment. This capability is invaluable in global markets, supporting proactive compliance and risk mitigation efforts, thus reducing the potential for regulatory issues and financial losses.

In essence, the introduction of real-time data into an organization’s financial management toolkit not only elevates the strategic role of treasury but also drives informed decision-making and fosters more effective financial planning.

Recommended: Check out our recent episode of Fintech Corner, where our very own Joseph Drambarean and Brett Turner interview John Bolden, the Treasury Director at City Storage Systems, to discuss how APIs are revolutionizing treasury operations and how this cutting-edge technology is creating a wave of new possibilities in finance. 

Building a Real-Time Treasury with Trovata

Adopting Real-Time Treasury is a strategic move that can significantly enhance a company’s financial operations, and Trovata’s platform is at the forefront of making this transition seamless and efficient.

Data Aggregation and Bank Reconciliation

Trovata’s platform utilizes advanced APIs to facilitate seamless data aggregation from multiple banking partners, providing businesses with the ability to perform real-time bank reconciliation.

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This capability is a cornerstone of Real-Time Treasury, allowing companies to access consolidated financial data across all accounts and institutions instantly. The best part? The data is already normalized.

By automating the collection and normalization of bank data, Trovata eliminates the manual processes traditionally associated with bank reconciliation, ensuring financial statements are accurate and up-to-date at all times.

This automation not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors, ensuring that financial leaders have reliable data for decision-making.

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Centralized Cash Management for All of Your Entities

Trovata’s platform stands out by offering a consolidated view of an organization’s cash flow, receivables, payables, and liquidity management, for all of your entities within a single interface.

Leverage a data repository for all of your entity information. This enables you to generate automated reports based on your organization’s entity structures.

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Maintaining control over data, reports, and forecasts for multiple subsidiaries is daunting. It’s important to ensure you’re able to easily share data to align on process and goals. However, it is equally important to have a secure system that enables you to control access to sensitive information. 

With Trovata, you can compartmentalize data for your subsidiaries, ensuring each entity can only access their relevant accounts, reports, forecasts, and data, while you have access to an overarching view of all financial data for the organization.

This centralized approach simplifies the complexity of managing multiple accounts and financial operations across global operations, providing treasurers with a holistic view of the company’s financial health.

The platform’s intuitive design and real-time analytics enable quick insights into cash positions, aiding in more effective cash and liquidity management.

By integrating critical financial operations into one platform, Trovata empowers businesses to optimize their working capital and improve financial agility.

Integrating Real-Time Payments

In today’s fast-moving financial environment, the ability to execute instant and cross-border payments is critical. Trovata enhances a company’s payment capabilities by integrating with various payment systems, including RTP (Real-Time Payments), SWIFT, ACH (Automated Clearing House), and more.

This integration ensures businesses can manage and execute payments efficiently, regardless of the geographical location of their suppliers or customers.

The platform’s support for a wide range of payment protocols not only accelerates transaction times but also offers flexibility in managing global payment operations, further reinforcing the strategic advantage of a real-time treasury function.

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Through its comprehensive platform, we’re redefining how businesses approach treasury management by leveraging the power of real-time data and automation.

By choosing Trovata, companies can unlock the full potential of real-time treasury, enhancing liquidity management, operational efficiency, and strategic decision-making.

Preparing for the Real-Time Treasury Transition

Transitioning to a Real-Time Treasury model is a strategic move that requires careful planning and execution. Here are the key considerations and steps organizations should take to ensure a smooth transition:

Stakeholder Engagement

  • Identify Key Stakeholders: Begin by identifying internal and external stakeholders who will be impacted by the transition to real-time treasury management. This includes treasury teams, IT departments, senior management, banking partners, and technology providers.
  • Communicate the Vision: Clearly articulate the benefits and changes associated with real-time treasury management to all stakeholders. Highlight how it will enhance decision-making, improve liquidity management, and streamline operations.
  • Gather Feedback: Engage stakeholders in discussions about their needs, concerns, and expectations. This feedback is invaluable for tailoring the real-time data implementation to the organization’s specific requirements.
  • Talk to Your Bank Partners: Identify which of your bank partners offer API-based cash management solutions and map out implementation and timeline.

Technology Assessment

  • Evaluate Current Systems: Assess the capabilities and limitations of your current treasury and financial systems. Understand how well they can support real-time data processing, automation, and connectivity with banking and payment systems.
  • Select the Right Technology: Based on the assessment, identify technology solutions that can bridge gaps and enable real-time data analysis. Consider platforms like Trovata that offer API integration, real-time data aggregation, and seamless connectivity with financial institutions.
  • Plan for Integration: Develop a detailed plan for integrating new technologies with existing systems. This may involve integrating ERP systems and identifying compatibility with banking APIs.

Change Management

  • Develop a Change Management Plan: Create a comprehensive plan that outlines the steps for transitioning to RTT, including timelines, milestones, and resource allocation.
  • Training and Support: Provide training for treasury and finance teams to ensure they are equipped to manage the new RTT system. Continuous support is crucial for addressing any challenges that arise during and after the transition.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor the transition process, gathering feedback and making adjustments as necessary. This iterative approach ensures that the implementation of new treasury tech meets the organization’s evolving needs. Cloud-native platforms like Trovata provide faster scalability and adaptability with less disruptions when compared to cloud-based legacy TMS platforms. To understand the differences between cloud-native vs cloud-based treasury software check out our recent blog post on How to Evaluate Cloud Treasury Management Software.

The Future of Treasury Management

The transition to Real-Time Treasury is part of a broader evolution in treasury management, driven by developments in open banking, fintech collaborations, and global payment ecosystems.

These advancements promise to further enhance the agility and strategic capabilities of treasury functions. Open banking, for instance, offers unprecedented access to financial data, while fintech partnerships can introduce innovative payment and risk management solutions.

As global payment ecosystems become more integrated, businesses will have more opportunities to optimize their operations and expand internationally.

Preparing for this transition is not just about adopting new technologies; it’s about positioning the treasury function at the heart of strategic decision-making.

By embracing these changes, organizations can ensure they remain competitive in the dynamic world of global finance, ready to capitalize on the opportunities presented by the future of treasury management.

Take the Next Step: Achieve Real-Time Treasury with Trovata

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Ready to unlock the full potential of Real-Time Treasury in your organization? Trovata invites you to see our platform in action. Contact us today for a demo or consultation and discover how our innovative solutions can streamline your treasury operations, enhance liquidity management, and empower your decision-making with real-time data.

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