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Prepare Your Cash Forecasting Strategy For Market Uncertainty
Wednesday, August 23, 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET
How can proactive treasurers prepare and strengthen their cash forecasting practices for future unknowns? In this session, Strategic Treasurer and Trovata discuss leading practices for crafting a strong cash forecasting strategy and offer steps that you can take now to put your treasury team in an advantageous position to handle whatever turbulence lies ahead.
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Kevin Bell
Director of Solutions Engineering, Trovata
Since starting his career with tech startups serving in a wide variety of roles, Kevin has spent over a decade learning and exploring possibilities with tech solutions ranging from public cloud infrastructure to the latest SaaS applications. At Salesforce, he focused on bringing innovative sales, service, and marketing solutions to organizations in the process of digital transformation before leading a team of high-performing solution engineers delivering value at scale. Now with Trovata, he’s helping finance and treasury teams understand how advanced technology can be applied to overcome traditional challenges and achieve maximum benefit for their organizations.