Trovata announces two new solutions with J.P. Morgan Payments: J.P. Morgan Treasury Workstation and J.P. Morgan Multibank Reporting, both powered by Trovata.
Trovata announces two new solutions with J.P. Morgan Payments: J.P. Morgan Treasury Workstation and J.P. Morgan Multibank Reporting, both powered by Trovata.
Trovata announces an expanded working relationship with PNC Treasury Management to provide joint customers with integrated payment processing capabilities. Read more in the press release.
Trovata announces its expansion into the large corporate global treasury market, focusing on end-to-end integrations with enterprise ERP systems. Learn more.
Trovata announces the first generative AI tool for finance and treasury departments, leveraging OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology to automate cash workflows and provide business intelligence. Learn more in the press release.
Read how Trovata’s partnership with J.P. Morgan Asset Management is making it easier for finance and treasury professionals to access higher yields on corporate investing.
Trovata makes it easy for businesses to automate cash reporting, forecasting, analysis, and money movement. By bridging the gap between banks and accounting systems, Trovata helps companies gain powerful insights into their cash flows and facilitate better and quicker business decisions. As an end-to-end fintech platform for managing cash, Trovata collaborates with the world’s largest financial institutions to deliver next-gen banking services. Trovata is based in San Diego, CA.
Media Contact
Rida Khan | rida.khan@trovata.io