Cash Forecasting Tools


Cash forecasting used to be a mess of spreadsheets and scattered data, but Trovata makes it simple. Trovata collects and normalizes data, then generates a forecast, all in one platform.


Proprietary machine
learning models

In addition to automating the cash forecasting process, Trovata leverages machine learning to establish a forecast baseline, analyze historical data trends and increase forecast accuracy.

Enhanced user defined
growth rates and variables

You know your business better than anyone.
That is why we give you the power of flexibility over forecast variables. Whether you automate bank or ERP data feeds or copy & paste from spreadsheets, we let you tailor your cash forecast to meet the needs of your business.

forecast factors growth graph

Advanced scenario
modeling and planning

Trovata gives you the flexibility to model and create cash forecasts around different business decisions and potential investments.
This way you can make fully informed decisions and put your best financial foot forward.

forecasting and analysis

With Trovata you have the ability to drill down, and forecast for subsidiaries individually. This allows you to truly analyze, monitor and plan for each business at its specific level. These precise forecasts allow you to better understand each facet of your organization.

forecast subsidiary chart


Explore the future of cash management.

automating cash forecasting

Guide to Automating Cash Forecasting

Technology is evolving at lightning speed. This can make it difficult to keep up with the ever-changing digital trends.

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