
The CFOs Changing Role: Bridging the Gap Between Problem Solving and Tech

Written by Sergio Garcia
June 14, 2024

The landscape of the CFO’s role is undergoing a dramatic shift. No longer solely focused on financial reporting, today’s CFOs navigate a strategic landscape, acting as crucial partners to the CEO. This evolution, driven by the ever-changing economic landscape and accelerated digital transformation, demands a clear vision for the company’s future. 

As the CFOs changing role becomes more prominent, they’re tasked with future-proofing their organizations, placing a premium on cash flow optimization. To achieve this, they must become data-driven leaders. Gaining a holistic, real-time view of the company’s financial health is an essential pillar for building financial resilience. Obtaining that level of visibility demands bridging the gap between current data issues and streamlining data analysis.

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The Top Skills of Successful Modern CFOs

According to survey findings from Sage, CFOs and finance leaders recognize the evolving skill set required to address these challenges. Many acknowledge that the following skills will become increasingly demanding in the near future.

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Additionally, a whopping 85% of CFOs believe their role will further involve strategy and counsel for the overall business, with 60% stating data analysis and insights will be essential to overall business strategy. 

Yet, currently, finance leaders are, on average, spending over four hours per day on non-traditional CFO activities such as solving data problems. 

A Modern Toolkit for the CFOs Changing Role

These survey findings paint a clear picture: CFOs are on the cusp of a major transformation. Their responsibilities are expanding beyond the traditional financial realm, demanding a new approach that bridges the gap between problem-solving and technology. Savvy CFOs are well aware of this, as 81% of those surveyed know technology affords them to focus on more valuable tasks. 

Modern treasury software, particularly solutions that leverage APIs, AI, and machine learning, can be the CFO’s secret weapon in this evolution.

The Power of APIs: A Holistic View of Cash Flow

The CFO’s holy grail is a holistic view of the organization’s financial health. However, achieving this traditionally involved wrestling data from a multitude of disparate systems – banks, ERPs, payment processors, etc. – a time-consuming and error-prone process. Here’s where APIs come in.

APIs act as digital bridges, allowing seamless data exchange between different software applications. Modern treasury solutions equipped with robust APIs can connect effortlessly to your existing financial ecosystem, automatically fetching and consolidating real-time data into a central hub. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, saving countless hours and minimizing the risk of human error.

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The benefits extend beyond internal efficiency. Through APIs, your treasury software can connect with external platforms, such as those offered by financial institutions and fintech partners. This fosters a collaborative environment, enabling real-time cash flow visibility across your entire financial network. Imagine the value of instantly accessing updated bank balances, foreign exchange rates, or upcoming payments – all within your familiar treasury software platform.


It’s worth noting that the benefits of API-based treasury software isn’t limited to real-time visibility into cash flow. It can be used to streamline payments processing and reduce costs in the process. By consolidating your payments into a single platform, you can reduce the time it takes your finance team to process them and make fewer transactions, resulting in lower fees.

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AI and Machine Learning: Automating Analysis for Strategic Insights

Data is a double-edged sword for CFOs. While comprehensive financial data is crucial for informed decision-making, manually analyzing vast amounts of information remains a significant challenge. Thankfully, AI (Artificial Intelligence) and machine learning (ML) are stepping up to the plate, automating tedious tasks and extracting valuable insights from your financial data.

Modern treasury solutions are increasingly incorporating AI and machine learning capabilities. These tools can automatically analyze historical cash flow trends, identify recurring patterns, and even predict future cash flow behavior. 

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This allows you to spend less time solving data problems and instead focus on interpreting these insights and translating them into strategic action.

For instance, AI-powered cash flow forecasting can predict future cash needs with high accuracy. Armed with this knowledge, the CFO can proactively develop strategies, such as negotiating extended payment terms with suppliers or optimizing inventory levels. This proactive approach mitigates financial risks and ensures sufficient liquidity to seize new business opportunities.

Cloud-Native Infrastructure for Unlimited Data Storage

As your business grows and your global footprint expands, so does the complexity of your bank data. A modern, cloud-native system provides unlimited data storage equipped to handle the ever-increasing volume of transactions, ensuring you can manage all your financial information effectively. 

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This allows you to save time when integrating new banks or accounts. You’ll be able to get accurate data much faster and without interruption. 

Optimizing Cash Flow Management: A Time-Saving Advantage

Modern treasury solutions equipped with APIs and AI capabilities go a long way in optimizing cash flow management. Here’s how these advancements translate into time savings for the busy CFO:

  • Reduced Time Spent on Data Collection: Manual data entry becomes a relic of the past. APIs automatically gather real-time data from various sources, streamlining the data collection process.
  • Automating Repetitive Tasks: Reconciliation, bank statement analysis, and other repetitive tasks can be automated using AI, freeing the CFO to focus on strategic analysis.
  • Improved Efficiency: Streamlined workflows and automated processes lead to a significant reduction in time spent on administrative tasks, allowing the CFO to dedicate more time to value-added activities.

By reclaiming lost hours typically spent on data wrangling and repetitive tasks, the CFO can finally devote more energy to what matters most – strategic problem-solving and providing insightful recommendations for the overall business strategy.

Trovata: The Savvy CFOs Cash Flow Solution for Success

The dynamic landscape of modern business demands a proactive and tech-forward approach. CFOs who embrace technology to help them achieve goals will become key players in steering their organizations towards resilience, agility, and continuity. The future of CFO leadership lies in continuous learning and adaptation to technological advancements, transcending traditional financial stewardship.

Trovata provides access to the latest in treasury technology in a single platform, connecting all of your financial data into a single data lake, in real-time, without any manual data processing. From there, Trovata offers a suite of sophisticated modeling and forecasting tools, helping your team answer all of the ‘What if’s’ that can possibly be thrown at them, at the click of a button.

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To learn more schedule a demo today!

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